Our Story
It all began with an idea in 2012: open up – and run the length of – the first network of long-distance cross-country paths in Thailand. There were not any long hiking or running trail in Thailand and we wanted to be the 1st to create one. Passionate about nature and trail running we wanted to go far from the standard tourist itineraries and create our own route, explore our own paths.

The route we imagined had to give the opportunity to pass through the highest mountains in Thailand and to reach through the most remote tribal areas occupied by the ethnic minorities. Any paths which exist in the area had been cut by these people or their ancestors, to provide links between the villages. There was only one way to find out them. We had to visit the hill tribes.

During one year, helped by a translator-interpreter then on our own, we went to mountain villages to explain the project, make contacts establish confidence and finally find people able to show us the old trails. This is how we managed to find remote paths from villages to villages that we connected step by step to create a long one. In November 2013, finally we found the whole route and ran it in one week.

Thailand Mountain Trail was created just after this adventure. We wanted to share our passion about nature, trekking and trail running; we wanted to share our knowledge about trails. We decided to name this long footpath TGR1 as the 1st Thai Great Route or Thai GR footpath (in France GR for Grande Randonnée refers to long footpaths used for trekking and trail running). We organized other projects and events on this route and deepened the links with the locals.

For three years, as we were working on other projects, we have been contacted by an increasing number of people. All of them were enthusiasts about entering remote areas to trek far and high or to run long and fast! In 2017 we finally launched and opened our agency in Chiang Mai. Thanks to our knowledge of mountains and people, we want to offer unique trips to sportspeople able to trek at least 10k in the mountains.